Damage Billing & Fire Safety

Damage Billing & Fire Safety

UNH 住房 does not collect nor require a damage deposit when a resident accepts on-campus housing. 相反,我们对发生的每个事件收费. It is our belief this encourages a sense of ownership in the building by the residents and improves everyone's ability to control costs.

Fire Safety

  • Hazardous electrical items - Hotplates, toaster ovens, 烤面包机, 电加热器(大学提供的除外), any item with a heating coil (i.e. sandwich and grill makers and non-UL approved appliances) are all strictly prohibited. 这些物品会加热暴露在外的表面,过去曾引发火灾. 可在单独房间使用的电器, 但在无人看管的情况下,不能把卷发器放在电源上, coffee makers, 熨斗, and hot pots. A violation for these items occurs when an appliance is left plugged in and unattended.
  • 插座或延长线过载 - An individual room having multiple plugs leading to the same outlet causing more than 15 amps of power to be drawn is dangerous and should be avoided. 这种情况通常是由于一个插座上的插头太多造成的. Power strips, 分割, or cube taps are acceptable, 但前提是它们有保险丝或断路器. 电源线不能插在普通的延长线上. 电源线必须达到施工级质量, 它必须有一个接地插头(第三个插脚). 一个电源插板不能插入另一个电源插板或分裂设备. Extension cords may not be connected in a manner that allows too many appliances to be plugged into the same outlet causing more than 15 amps of power to be drawn. No electrical cords of any sort, other than phone cords, speaker wires, and cable wires, are to be run underneath a rug. 
  • Microwaves and refrigerators - Microwaves and refrigerators require a construction-grade extension cord (generally the same size or larger than the units own cord) or needs to be plugged directly into an outlet or a fused power strip; they cannot be plugged into a splitter unless the splitter has a fuse. If an adaptor is used for a power strip or extension cord, the ground lead must be connected. Refrigerators no larger than 4.5 cubic feet in height are allowed. 允许使用功耗在800瓦或以下的微波炉.
  • Flammable materials -大厅内不允许放置以下易燃物品:污渍, flammable cleaning solvents, 丁烷, propane torches, 汽油, camping or cooking fuels, 油灯, oil candles, and kerosene lamps. Candles, wax tarts, incense, and incense paraphernalia are not allowed for any reason. 点燃的蜡烛、馅饼和熏香在过去曾引起严重的房间火灾. 剪断灯芯或去除灯芯均不例外.  
  • 墙壁或门上有过多的可燃材料 —单个墙面的覆盖面积不能超过50%. If you use wall posters or hangings, they should be used sparingly, covering no more than one-half of the surface on each wall (this does not include furniture against the wall). This precaution eliminates excess combustible material which could cause fires to spread. 
  • Bed too close to ceiling - A clearance of 30 inches from the ceiling to the top of the mattress is required to allow adequate breathing space in case of fire or smoke that may enter the room. Any loft or stilt bed that does not comply must be fixed immediately and lowered to meet clearance guidelines. 
  • Items overhead -房间上方区域必须始终保持干净整洁. 物品不能从墙上挂到墙上,也不能从天花板上悬挂下来, ceiling pipes running horizontally, electrical conduit, 灯, smoke detectors, 等. 这包括管道上的圣诞灯和悬挂在头顶的任何东西. 所有的壁挂和装饰必须完全接触墙壁. This precaution prevents the possibility of materials falling down on a person during a fire. 
  • Heater clearance, 6 inches - A 6 inch-8inch air space between the electric heater unit and furniture is required. While it seems unlikely, a number of room fires have started due to items placed too close to the heater unit. 有电热的大厅有斯托克、哈伯德、巴布科克、克里斯滕森和威廉姆森.
  • Smoke detector tampered with —在任何情况下,禁止触摸感烟探测器. 如果你怀疑它有故障,和你的R谈谈.A. immediately. There is a $100 fine for covering, defacing, or tampering in any way with this device.
  • Egress (exit) obstruction -所有通往房间门窗的通道必须保持畅通. This policy is most often in violation when a resident has to push an item to the side in order to exit a room door or window. Examples of this would be furniture preventing the room door from opening a full 90 degrees, 用来围成一个睡觉空间的东西, 等.
  • Halogen-type bulbs -任何类型的卤素灯泡灯都不能在宿舍内使用. 这种灯产生的强烈热量可以并且已经引起了火灾.
  • 其他 -其他违规行为包括从房间的休息室家具到宠物. 在这种情况下准确的政策解释, 请咨询您的宿舍主任或致电(603)862-2120.

Safety inspections of students’ rooms for fire hazards and violations will be conducted several times per semester. If any violations are found an inspection report form will be issued and you will be expected to comply with its findings.

Each residence hall is protected by an automatic fire detection system that is connected directly to the Durham Fire Department. Upon receipt of alarm activation, the Fire Department immediately responds to your residence hall. 消防系统由烟雾探测器和热探测器组成, 洒水装置和走廊手动拉站. 所有房间都有洒水装置和烟雾探测器. A charge of $100 is assessed to the occupant(s) of a room for tampering with a smoke detector如果您怀疑烟雾探测器出现故障,请立即与您的RA联系.

Fire Extinguishers

每个宿舍楼里都有灭火器. These are your first line of defense in case of a fire and could save your life or the lives of your friends. Do not tamper with fire extinguishers. Eviction from the residence hall is a possible consequence for tampering with a fire extinguisher. 重置被误用的灭火器要交100美元的费用.

Check out the prohibited items 列表. 

Damaged Billing

The Department of 住房 does not collect nor require a damage deposit when a resident accepts on-campus housing; instead we bill for each incident that occurs. It is our belief this encourages a sense of ownership in the building by the residents and improves everyone's ability to control costs.

Any destruction, 盗窃, 以及破坏包括家具在内的大学财产, 墙, 地板, 学生房间和公共区域(楼梯井)的窗户, 休息室, 浴室, 走廊). Extra cleaning above and beyond normal housekeeping services is also considered billable damage.

Extra Cleaning

收费:最低25美元,按小时计费 . Charges will be applied if staff has to:

  • 清除地毯、墙壁、天花板、楼梯上的食物.
  • 清除墙壁、卫生间隔间等处的痰液.
  • 清洁食物、烟草咀嚼、过量牙膏等. out of sinks/water fountains.
  • Clean excessive graffiti off 墙.
  • 清除水槽、隔间、地板等上多余的剃须膏.
  • 在浴室剪完头发后留下的干净头发.
  • Any other similar cleaning.


Minimum charge is $25 per bag. 垃圾会渗漏到地毯上,造成不卫生的环境, 而且它有潜在的火灾隐患. 学生有责任处理自己的垃圾. Charges will be applied for:

  • 把房间的垃圾倒进浴室的垃圾桶.
  • 把房间垃圾丢在走廊或楼梯间.
  • Leaving room trash in the 休息室.
  • Emptying room trash into a lounge trashcan.
  • Pizza boxes not properly disposed.

Biohazardous Matter

Minimum of $100 per instance.

The following are chargeable: 

Urine, feces, condoms or vomit

  • 在联合国卫生组织的住房设施里发现的任何东西. (depending on the situation, may become a criminal investigation with the UNH Police Department)

  • 清理浴室,走廊,墙壁,地毯,休息室等地方的血迹. If the incident was accidental and an attempt was made to clean up, no charge will occur. Situations that are accidental will be looked upon differently than ones that are purposeful. For example, a person who had a nose bleed and bled in the bathroom will be treated differently than an injury, resulting in blood loss, due to drunkenness or violence.

锁 & Combinations Changes

  • 锁 Change & Cut Keys (Residence Halls) $65
  • 锁 Change & Cut Keys (On-Campus Apartments) $65
  • Combination Change $25
  • Lost loaner ID card $25
  • Damaged Swipe Card Reader $400-$800

Room Cleaning

$50 minimum ——因为学生放假一年,没有打扫自己的房间

其他 charges

  • Spring-loaded door hinge tampering - $40
  • 移除屏幕或损坏屏幕- $50 - $175(视地点而定)
  • 生命安全设备(灭火器,烟雾探测器等)篡改- 100美元

The individual(s) who is/are responsible for the damage is/are accountable for the damage. 我们尽一切努力找出责任方.

Through floor meetings and monthly postings of damages that have occurred in the building. Residents can also read a copy of the Room and Board Agreement. 在宿舍的定期通讯中也有提醒.

The University does not provide insurance coverage for the loss or damage of residents' personal belongings. It is highly recommended that students protect their valuables by making sure their personal property is covered by an insurance plan that includes damage and loss. 提供这类保险的保险机构可以在网上找到. 

一个好消息! UNH has partnered with GradGuard, 哪家公司提供独特的租客保险计划,已经保护了500多人,000 students nationwide. 以下是租客保险可以提供帮助的一些情况:    

  • You leave your laptop in the library unattended as you grab lunch, to later find that it was stolen.    
  • 你锁好自行车,去上课,回来的时候,自行车不见了.
  • 离开体育馆后回到宿舍, to find that someone accidentally caused a fire on your floor and the smoke ruined all of your clothes, books and bedding. 
  • 你不小心把衣服挂在喷头上了. Water damage destroys your stuff and the belongings of other residents on your floor.  

Get GradGuard on your 住房 Portal when you apply for on-campus housing!

Go your UNH Webcat account on my.主要Research.edu. 登录Webcat,选择“账单/帐户摘要/查看学生帐户”.点击实际损坏收费查看详细明细. 只有学生查看自己的帐户可以访问详细的细分. The bill for fall semester damages will be posted in early February and the bill for spring semester damages will be posted in mid-June.

You can also find it in your housing portal

  • 学生
  • Hall Councils
  • Resident Assistants
  • 社区 Assistants
  • Hall Directors
  • Property Managers
  • UNH Facilities
  • 大学警察和/或达勒姆警察局
  • Department of 住房